Applications open for research, projects and innovative entrepreneurial initiatives until December 3, 2023
The 2023 Open Innovation Prize is an initiative organized within the framework of the RE-UNITA project, an integral part of the UNITA constellation of projects.
The RE-UNITA project aims to build a new European research area by developing a common research and innovation strategy.
The 2023 Open Innovation Prize will reward the three (3) best open innovation ideas. The first prize will be €2500, the second prize €1500 and the third €1000.
The 2023 Open Innovation Prize is directly related to the generation of ideas on an open innovation basis by young students, teachers, researchers, startups and spinoffs. The 2023 Open Innovation Prize aims to stimulate creativity as well as the detection of new opportunities and new business models.
Who is it for?
- Research teams from UNITA’s six partners (students, professors, researchers registered for the 2023/2024 academic year), spin-off and start-up companies that belong to or come from their incubators are eligible.
- Promoters of original ideas, preferably associated with the ability to economically exploit existing scientific and technological knowledge in society and/or research and development processes for new or significantly improved products and processes, with these processes coming from UNITA’s six partners.
- Candidates are responsible, in all legal terms, for the originality and authorship of the ideas proposed.
For the 2023 Innovation Prize, all candidates must submit projects that are:
- Within Knowledge Intensive Services ( and
- Respond to social and societal challenges.
How do I apply?
- Applications will be made via the link (…), adding the application report (10 pages maximum, in a pdf file, detailed in point 5 below) by December 3, 2023 at the latest.
- All applications must be written in English.
- Applicants may submit applications for one or more ideas/projects. A new application must be submitted for each idea/project.
- Applications will consist of a report of no more than 10 pages describing the project; this report will follow the guidelines detailed in point 5 below.
- The report will present:
a. An overview of the purpose of the research or development carried out within the framework of the project submitted for tender; this overview will place the project in its context;
b. A state of the art;
c. The proposed solution, highlighting how open innovation is integrated into the project;
d. The maturity of the project; a minimum level of TRL3 is recommended;
e. Future work;
f. The CV of all team members and a presentation of the team or company;
g. The academic or project references of the team members.