Laboratory of Chemical Analysis and Environmental Consultancy in Wastewater Treatment


Ana Carreira Lopes


+351 275 241 259

(Portuguese National Landline Call)

This laboratory develops its activity in the environmental sector, namely in the characterization of waters and wastewaters and other liquid samples and in the treatment of recalcitrant effluents through the application electrochemical processes.


Application of electrochemical processes for the treatment of recalcitrant wastewaters;
Integration of electrochemical processes with other technologies for wastewater treatment;
Integration of electrochemical processes with renewable energy sources;
Characterization of the effluents resulting from the application of electrochemical processes.


Characterization and monitoring of waters, wastewaters and other liquid samples by performing physical, chemical and biological analyzes;
Carrying out studies on the feasibility of the application of electrochemical processes for wastewaters treatment and determination of the best operating conditions;
Consultancy in the implementation of electrochemical systems for wastewater treatment.


Analyzer for Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Total nitrogen analyzer
UV / VIS absorption spectrophotometer;
Potentiostat / galvanostat
Digester system for the determination of total Kjeldahl nitrogen
Distiller system for the determination of total Kjeldahl and ammonia nitrogen
Cabinet for the determination of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Oxitops Kit for BOD determination
pH meters
Conductivity meters
Digester blocks for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Titroprocessors for titration